Monday, April 23, 2012

Conversation (Fos)

The spelling of "fos" is most definitely wrong... But, to the point - I am grateful for many a conversation that I've had here in Chuuk. There is, however, one that I'm thinking of specifically as I post this tonight: Today in Current Issue my lesson plan fell apart a few minutes before class as the youtube video that I had planned on using STILL hadn't downloaded in the three hours I had allotted for the task. This is a class I inherited halfway through the semester, so I've had ample practice winging it as I attempted to pick up where another teacher left off; still, I was annoyed at the thought that the better part of an hours work was lost and the fact that I was now not prepared for class. So, I entered the classroom and explained what we WOULD have done, had the internet cooperated, and showed them the two-and-a-half minutes of the video that HAD loaded. A video about how to respect Chuuk by respecting the environment led to conversation about what they want the outside world to know about Chuuk, to the effects of WWII on Chuuk, to their own fears and concerns about cultural loss. It's so wonderful that there exists a mutual level of comfort between my students and I that allows for honest and interesting dialogue about Chuuk and about their experiences as young Chuukese men and women. I value deeply the insight I've gained from them.